
Re-growing Store Bought Spring Onions

I keep buying spring onions from the supermarket, but I have a bad habit of not using them immediately. The upper stalk ends up dry after a week even if I put it in the vegetable crisper. I tried freezing them, but it's just not the same.

Super healthy spring onions at a shop in Sydney, Australia.

After some research I found that the best way to preserve it is to replant it! Just slice about two inches from the bottom and then plant it on a pot with soil. When it grows you can just snip off the part you'll use and it will just re-grow!

First Attempt

The first time I tried it I planted on an Good Shepherd lengua container since I didn't have any pots left. I put holes on the bottom of the container. I stuck some blutack on the cover and placed it on the bottom on the container to act as the "pot saucer". The guide I read said to make sure that the plant doesn't get soaked in water.

I planted two stalks and left it on the kitchen windowsill. I just gave it about 1/8 cup of water every morning. Four days later it looked like this.

The next day I planted four more stalks.

And this is how it looked two days later.

I think I made a mistake of giving it some rice wash. It did not like it and it waned a bit the next day. It was that or I may have given it too much water.

Thought it would be good to bring it outside. I put it under the shade.

It still didn't look happy two days after. I made the effort to remove the excess water so that the soil would dry up a bit. It was still quite unhappy. I moved it back in, but it became unhappier.

Second Attempt - Ongoing

Even without watering it for two days the soil seemed to be too wet so I decided to move them to a bigger pot to improve the environment. I also planted new stalks. Hopefully it'll improve. The stalks from the old container are the ones on the right side. The ones on the left are new stalks I just planted. I put them on a bigger container so it could have better drainage and so it can have more space for its roots.

What I've Learned

1. You can definitely re-grow store bought spring onions.
2. This is one plant you should not overwater.
3. Make sure your pot has good drainage.
4. Self-watering may not work on this plant.
5. Probably does not like "flavored" water.
*Note to self: do more research how to do better with spring onions.

Have you tried doing this? Do you have any tips? 

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